Photos, sometimes with Commentary, from a lay Catholic.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Love Of a Dog

Escape On His Mind

Next to my husband, this creature is my faithful companion. He is always at my side. He's really fun and smart and such a good friend. Everyone should be loved by a dog!


Anonymous said...


I found your photos thanks to a search for "102 years old" on Flickr. I work at a church in Ohio and I was looking for a photo for a sermon illustration and your friend Katherine's party came up as a result. I ended up browsing through all of your photos. They are BEAUTIFUL!

God is so evident in your art. Your faith was between the lines of all the photos I saw before I knew your name or anything about you. (I ended up checking your profile and stumbling upon your blog/livejournal). I wish I had better words to express the joy and healing I found in your photos, but I'm lacking. So I am just saying thank you. Thank you for using your gift, and for the grace with which you capture the world. May God bless you. Thank you.


marylea said...

Thanks for your kind words. They meant a lot to me. God bless you!