My dad bought me my first camera when I was in 3rd grade or so. He let me shoot pictures (B&W) and took the film in to be developed once per week for me. He seemed to notice the things I liked, and encouraged them (most of them...). He even seemed to share many of them. He passed on his Catholic faith, his love for dogs, nature and the out of doors. He pointed out things like constellations in the sky, and deer tracks in our yard. He taught us the importance of accepting responsibility and for making our own choices. He taught us to make the changes we wanted to see. He liked to know things, liked to know about the things in the natural world.
He's been gone since 1990, a long time, really. A daughter never outgrows her need for a father. Thanks, Dad.
(The above composite is generated by Flickr's Explore criteria. A mystery in itself. These pics of mine are, at the time of this writing, currently in Explore, which means they generated enough interest on their own merits or some strange fluke of the Explore "magic" to be deemed in the top 500 most interesting pics uploaded on the days that they were originally posted. If anyone cares.)
1. Front view of Tabernacle, 2. Reindeer Seamus 12'03, 3. Colored windows, 4. Always take time to pray., 5. Yellow Cattleya Orchid, 6. Seamus Dines, 7. Framed!!, 8. To see as the giraffe sees!,
9. Baptismal Font Reflection, 10. Back view of Tabernacle, 11. Suspended!, 12. Early Morning Walk, 13. Autumn: Fading Light, 14. Our Mother, 15. Stained glass depiction of St. Therese of Lisieux, 16. Katherine and me,
17. He is always listening., 18. Ready for Rain, 19. Come closer!
Created with fd's Flickr Toys.